Publications de Froyen au CRS4

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Publications en 2003
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
J. De Wilde, L. Froyen, Roberto OrrĂº, Giacomo Cao, I. A. Beloki, A. E. Sytschev, A. S. Rogachev, D. J. Jarvis, L. Vautmans, F. Preud'Homme, R. Licheri
International Journal of SHS - 2003
Publications en 1999
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
Giacomo Cao, I. Caro, L. Froyen, P. Giuliani, P. Lintula, Giovanni Murgia, Roberto OrrĂº, M. A. Rodriguez, C. Zanotti
Proceedings of the II European Symposium on the Utilization of the International Space Station pages 277-284 - 1999