Publications de Piras au CRS4

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Publications en 2011
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-PCP11] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Andrea Piras
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Web of Things ACM WoT '11 pages 6:1–6:6 New York, NY USA - 2011
issn: 978-1-4503-0624-9  doi: 10.1145/1993966.1993975

[4-PCP11] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Andrea Piras
Extended Proc. Of Pervasive2011 San Francisco - 2011

[4-PMM11] [Add to your selection]
Mauro Pala, Mara Marongiu, Antonella Mulas, Roberto Cusano, Francesca Crobu, Frederic Reinier, Riccardo Berutti, MG Piras, Christopher M. S. Jones, David Schlessinger, Gonçalo R. Abecasis, Andrea Angius, Serena Sanna, Francesco Cucca
ICHG/ASHG 2011, Montréal, Canada, October 11-15 - 2011

[4-PMM11] [Add to your selection]
Mauro Pala, Mara Marongiu, Antonella Mulas, Roberto Cusano, Francesca Crobu, Frederic Reinier, Riccardo Berutti, MG Piras, Christopher M. S. Jones, David Schlessinger, Gonçalo R. Abecasis, Andrea Angius, Serena Sanna, Francesco Cucca
ICHG/ASHG 2011, Montréal, Canada, October 11-15 - 2011

Various talks, works and publications
[6-FCS11] [Add to your selection]
C. Fraumene, M. Cosso, A. Sassu, G. Maninchedda, F. Serra, F. Marras, Paolo Ledda, Paolo Uva, Massimiliano Orsini, M. Pirastu, Alessandro Bulfone, Andrea Angius, Ignazio Piras
Poster presentation at the XIX Congresso dell'Associazione Antropologica Italiana, Torino, 21-24 September 2011 - september 2011
Publications en 2010
Books and Book Chapters
[1-PCP10] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Andrea Piras, Alessandro Giordano
Current Trends in Web Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg Hutchison, David and Kanade, Takeo and Kittler, Josef and Kleinberg, Jon M. and Mattern, Friedemann and Mitchell, John C. and Naor, Moni and Nierstrasz, Oscar and Pandu Rangan, C. and Steffen, Bernhard and Sudan, Madhu and Terzopoulos, Demetri and Tygar, pages 431--441 vol. 6385 Berlin, Heidelberg incollection - 2010

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-PCP10] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Andrea Piras, Alessandro Giordano
UBICOMM 2010 : The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies XPS pages 357--360 - 2010
issn: 978-1-61208-100-7
Publications en 2009
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MBC09] [Add to your selection]
Fabrizio Murgia, Riccardo Biddau, Alessandro Concas, Roberto Demontis, Luca Fanfani, Zeno Heilmann, Cristian Lai, Giuditta Lecca, Eva Barbara Lorrai, Marino Marrocu, Vittorio Marrone, Laura Muscas, Elisaveta Peneva, Andrea Piras, Massimo Pisu, Gabriella Pusceddu, Guido Satta, Daniela Theis, Andrea Vacca, Paolo Valera, Ana M. Vallenilla, Ernesto Bonomi
Earth Science Informatics pages 5--21 vol. 2 num. 1-2 - 2009

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-PGB09] [Add to your selection]
Andrea Piras, Sylvain Giroux, Jeremy Bauchet
Roots For The Future Of Ambient Intelligence - Adjunt Proceedings pages 277--280 Manfred Tscheligi and Boris de Ruyter and John Soldatos and Alexander Meschtscherjakov and Cristina Buiza and Wolfgang Reitberger and Norbert Streitz and Thomas Mirlacher - november 2009

Peer-reviewed publications in national events
[5-PGB09] [Add to your selection]
Andrea Piras, Sylvain Giroux, Jeremy Bauchet
Book Of Abstracts Primo Forum Italiano su AAL pages 137 -- 138 - september 2009

[5-DPP09] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Deriu, Andrea Piras, Gavino Paddeu
Book Of Abstracts Primo Forum Italiano su AAL pages 97 -- 98 - september 2009
Publications en 2008
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-MBL08] [Add to your selection]
Fabrizio Murgia, Ernesto Bonomi, Giuditta Lecca, Paolo Maggi, Marino Marrocu, Andrea Piras, Gabriella Pusceddu
Proceedings of 3rd GRID e-collaboration Workshop for Earth Science and Space - 2008
Publications en 2007
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-ADD07] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Roberto Demontis, Massimo Deriu, Emanuela De Vita, Cristian Lai, Ivan Marcialis, Antonio Pintus, Andrea Piras, Alessandro Soro, Franco Tuveri
WSEAS Transactions on Computers pages 79--86 vol. 2 num. 1-2 - 2007

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-ADD07] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Roberto Demontis, Massimo Deriu, Emanuela De Vita, Cristian Lai, Ivan Marcialis, Antonio Pintus, Andrea Piras, Alessandro Soro
WSEAS International Conference On Computer Engineering And Applications, CEA 2007 pages 425--433 vol. 1 - - 2007

[4-LMM07] [Add to your selection]
Giuditta Lecca, Fabrizio Murgia, Paolo Maggi, Andrea Piras
Proceedings Of The Third EELA Conference pages 357--365 R. Gavela and B. Marechal and R. Barbera and L. N. Ciuffo and R. Mayo (Eds. ) CIEMAT - 2007

[4-ADD07] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Roberto Demontis, Massimo Deriu, Emanuela De Vita, Cristian Lai, Ivan Marcialis, Gavino Paddeu, Antonio Pintus, Andrea Piras, Raffaella Sanna, Alessandro Soro, Franco Tuveri
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2007 - Area: Software Agents And Internet Computing - Funchal, Madeira - Portugal pages 213--218 vol. 1 - - june 2007
Publications en 2006
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-CMP06] [Add to your selection]
Giulio Concas, M. Marchesi, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna, E. Sciola, Selene Uras
Towards Open Source Software Adoption - Educational, Public, Legal, And Usability Practices TUBITAK (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey) pages 89--98 Bulent Ozel and Can Burak Cilingir and Kaan Erkan (Eds. ) - june 2006
Publications en 2005
Books and Book Chapters
[4-PCP05] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Gavino Paddeu, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna
Mobile Learning Anytime Everywhere LSDA - 2005

[4-CPP05] [Add to your selection]
Davide Carboni, Antonio Pintus, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna, Gavino Paddeu
Proceedings of ICMTL 2005 Wit Press - 2005

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-SDP05] [Add to your selection]
Stefano Sanna, Emanuela De Vita, Andrea Piras, Christian Melchiorre
Proceedings of 7th ICEIS 2005 - may 2005