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Books and Book Chapters |
[1-CCP94] |
Drukkerij Van Denderen B. V., chap. New Challanges in Computational Chemistry, pages Groningen (The Netherlands) inbook - 1994 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-CSP94] |
AICHE Journal pages 1156 vol. 40 num. 7 - 1994 |
[2-CPM94] |
Chemical Engineering Science pages 5775 vol. 49 num. 24B - 1994 |
[2-BS94] |
Meccanica pages 479--488 vol. 29 - 1994 |
[2-LNS94] |
J. Comput. Phys. pages 134--147 vol. 113 - 1994 |
[2-PC94] |
J. Chem. Phys. pages 3079 vol. 101 - 1994 |
[2-PC94] |
J. Comp. Chem. pages 466 vol. 15 - 1994 |
[2-PP94] |
Water Resource Rese pages 3357--3374 vol. 30 num. 12 - 1994 |
[2-MPS94] |
Geologica Romana pages 327--333 vol. 30 - 1994 |
[2-BB94] |
Transport Theory and Statistical Mechanics pages 123--132 vol. 23 num. 1/3 - 1994 |
[2-CH94] |
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry John Wiley & Sons pages 849-865 vol. 52 - 1994 |
Visual Computer Springer-Verlag Inc. pages 353--355 vol. 10 num. 6 - december 1994 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-BCD94] |
Proc. of 13th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting Giovanni Barrocu and A. Vernier and G. Barbieri Villasimius, Italy - 1994 |
[4-APM94] |
Proc. of Selected Topic of Chemical Reaction Engineering Morbidelli - Markos Editors Tempus Joint European Network pages 33--59 vol. 1 Bratislava - Slovakia - 1994 |
[4-MMC94] |
Proceedings of X congresso di Chimica Industriale Conference held in Pisa, Italy - 1994 |
[4-PP94] |
Proceedings of the 13th Salt-Water Intrusion Meeting Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio, Università di Cagliari pages 63--70 Giovanni Barrocu Cagliari, Italy - 1994 |
[4-PFP94] |
Computer Techniques in Environmental Studies V, Vol. 1: Pollution Modeling Computational Mechanics Publications pages 149--156 P. Zannetti Southampton, UK - 1994 |
Proceedings of the Conference on Visualization IEEE Computer Society Press pages 281--287 R. Daniel Bergeron and Arie E. Kaufman Los Alamitos, CA, USA - october 1994 issn: 0-8186-6626-9 |