Simulation 2D of the closure of an artificial Aortic Valve by blood reflux using Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) Formulation
Vincent Moreau
Rapport de recherche , CRS4 - july 1997
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We present the 2D simulation of the interaction of an artificial aortic valve and the blood reflux at the end of the systole. The valve is pivoting of 60 degrees under the flow pressure. The ALE formulation is used and mesh is regenerated periodically. Coupling procedures and mesh regeneration are described with care given to technical difficulties. Results are shown and commented underlining their limits and potentiality.
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author = {Moreau, V.},
title = {Simulation 2D of the closure of an artificial Aortic Valve by blood reflux using Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) Formulation},
institution = {CRS4},
month = {july},
year = {1997},
address = {(changed to) Loc. Piscina Manna, Edificio 1 09050 Pula (CA)},
type = {Research note},
keywords = {ALE, NSE, Navier-Stokes, simulation, CFD},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/1997/Mor97a},
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