An ontology-based content management system for a dynamic operating context: issues and prototype evaluation
Maurizio Agelli,
Felice Colucci
Proc. 7th European Conference On Knowledge Management - 2006
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Content management systems are very useful tools for organizing and sharing information resources and may considerably benefit from using ontology-based description schemes. Ontologies set a common ground for resource acquisition, enabling different users to share a common view of a knowledge domain, and may considerably enhance the search paradigms by exploiting semantic relationships between concepts. However, ontologies may evolve since they reflect knowledge schemes that are by nature dynamic. Moreover this evolution should be the result of a collaborative process of ontology maintenance. These and other issues are addressed in the present work and some practical solutions are proposed. Also, a very simple prototype implementation of an ontology-based content management system is described. Finally, the results of a short experimentation of this prototype within a small community are presented.
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author = {Agelli, M. and Colucci, F.},
title = {An ontology-based content management system for a dynamic operating context: issues and prototype evaluation},
booktitle = {Proc. 7th European Conference On Knowledge Management},
year = {2006},
publisher = {Academic Conferences Limited},
keywords = {knowledge management, ontologies, knowledge sharing, ontology evolution, communities of practice},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2006/AC06a},
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