Publications de Colucci au CRS4

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Publications en 2016
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-PAC16] [Add to your selection]
Maurizio Pintus, Maurizio Agelli, Felice Colucci, Nicola Corona, Federico Santamaria, Alessandro Sassu
Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications SCITEPRESS Digital Library pages 574-581 vol. 134 VISAPP - 2016
isbn: 978-989-758-175-5  doi: 0005722205740581
Publications en 2006
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-SC06] [Add to your selection]
Carole Salis, Felice Colucci
Didamatica 2006 AICA pages pp. 535--541 A. Andronico and F. Aymerich and G. Fenu and - 2006

[4-AC06] [Add to your selection]
Maurizio Agelli, Felice Colucci
Proc. 7th European Conference On Knowledge Management Academic Conferences Limited - 2006
Publications en 2003
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-CCD03] [Add to your selection]
Davide Carboni, Felice Colucci, Massimo Deriu, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna, Gavino Paddeu
Proceedings Of European Conference On Interactive Television: From Viewers To Actors? - Poster Session pages 113--114 Judith Masthoff and Richard Griffiths and Lyn Pemberton EuroITV 2003 - april 2003