Design of the lhc beam dump entrance window
10th Biennial European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC'06, Volume 1, page 1792--1794 - 2006
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7 TeV proton beams from the LHC are ejected through a 600 m long beam dump transfer line vacuum
chamber to a beam dump block. The dump block is contained within an inert gas-filled vessel to prevent
a possible fire risk. The dump vessel and transfer line are separated by a 600 mm diameter window,
which must withstand both the static pressure load and thermal shock from the passage of the LHC
beam. In a previous paper [1] the functional requirements and conceptual design of this window were
outlined. This paper describes the analysis leading to the final design of the window. The choice of
materials is explained and tests performed on the prototype window are summarized.
Références BibTex
author = {Veness, R. and Goddard, B. and Mathot, S. and Presland, A. and Massidda, L.},
title = {Design of the lhc beam dump entrance window},
booktitle = {10th Biennial European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC'06},
series = {JACoW Joint Accelerator Conferences Website},
volume = {1},
pages = {1792--1794},
year = {2006},
editor = {Soren Pape Moller},
publisher = {JACoW Joint Accelerator Conferences Website},
organization = {EPAC},
note = {idxproject: LHC2},
keywords = {LHC, simulation, beam dump},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2006/VGMPM06a},
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