Disentangling the proteome: re-evaluations of topological insights from yeast protein interaction networks
Vincenzo De Leo,
Francesco Ricci,
Nicola Soranzo,
Alessandro Chessa,
Alberto de la Fuente
Advances in Medicine and Biology, Nova Science, Volume 16, page 141-166 - 2011
Références BibTex
author = {De Leo, V. and Ricci, F. and Soranzo, N. and Chessa, A. and de la Fuente, A.},
title = {Disentangling the proteome: re-evaluations of topological insights from yeast protein interaction networks},
booktitle = {Advances in Medicine and Biology},
chapter = {4},
volume = {16},
pages = {141-166},
year = {2011},
editor = {Berhardt, Leon V.},
publisher = {Nova Science},
address = {Hauppauge, NY, USA},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2011/DRSCD11},
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