Chessa's Publications

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Publications in 2012
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CDB12] [Add to your selection]
Federica Cerina, Vincenzo De Leo, Marc Barthelemy, Alessandro Chessa
PloS ONE vol. 7 num. 5 - 2012  doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037507
Publications in 2011
Books and Book Chapters
[1-DRS11] [Add to your selection]
Vincenzo De Leo, Francesco Ricci, Nicola Soranzo, Alessandro Chessa, Alberto de la Fuente
Advances in Medicine and Biology, Nova Science Berhardt, Leon V. pages 141-166 vol. 16 chap. 4 Hauppauge, NY, USA - 2011

Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CCF11] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Cazzani, Alessandro Chessa, Giorgio Fotia
Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics pages e-391 vol. 2 num. 1 - 2011
issn: 2038-0909  doi: 10.1685/journal.caim.391
Publications in 2009
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-BCC09] [Add to your selection]
Ludovico Boratto, Salvatore Carta, Alessandro Chessa, Maurizio Agelli, Maria Laura Clemente
WI-IAT '09: Proceedings Of The 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference On Web Intelligence And Intelligent Agent Technology IEEE Computer Society pages 547--550 vol. 03 IEEE Computer Society - 2009