Pool modelling for TALL-3D facility
Manuela Profir,
Vincent Moreau
Misc - october 2017
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This presentation reports the progress of the H2020 SESAME project with regards to the modeling of the thermal-hydraulic pool section of the TALL-3D facility under construction at the KTH from M25 to M30.
Références BibTex
author = {Profir, M. and Moreau, V.},
title = {Pool modelling for TALL-3D facility},
month = {october},
year = {2017},
type = {SESAME Fifth Progress Meeting, ENEA-Brasimone, Italy},
keywords = {TALL3D, LBE, CFD, KTH},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2017/PM17b},
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