SESAME - Contract Number: 654935 D3.10 Meliloo: pre-test simulations and measurements
Tomas Melichar,
M. Belka,
O. Frybort,
Michal Kordac,
Manuela Profir,
Vincent Moreau
Misc - july 2018
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In the first part of this report, a computational CFD model which was developed for simulations of liquid metal natural convection and freezing is described along with the first results. The model will be validated on the experimental data obtained from the experimental stand for investigation of lead freezing. This stand was designed, constructed and commissioned at Research centre Rez and is described in the second part of this report. After that, data obtained during the first experimental run can be found. In the appendix of this report, a CFD model developed at CRS4 is described and first results are presented.
Références BibTex
author = {Melichar, T. and Belka, M. and Frybort, O. and Kordac, M. and Profir, M. and Moreau, V.},
title = {SESAME - Contract Number: 654935 D3.10 Meliloo: pre-test simulations and measurements},
month = {july},
year = {2018},
type = {Rapport de Contrat},
keywords = {SESAME, Lead, CFD, solidification, experimental facility, natural convection},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2018/MBFKPM18a},
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