The WorkflowHub: A FAIR Registry for Workflows and Workflow Research Objects
Carole Goble,
Finn Bacall,
Stian Soiland-Reyes,
Stuart Owen,
Alan Williams,
Ignacio Eguinoa,
Bert Droesbeke,
Herve Menager,
Laura Rodriguez Navas,
Jose Maria Fernandez,
Salvador Capella-Gutierrez,
Michael R Crusoe,
Bjorn Gruning,
Simone Leo,
Luca Pireddu,
Johan Gustafson,
Phil Ewels,
WorkflowHub Community,
Frederik Coppens
Misc - july 2021
Références BibTex
author = {Goble, C. and Bacall, F. and Soiland-Reyes, S. and Owen, S. and Williams, A. and Eguinoa, I. and Droesbeke, B. and Menager, H. and Rodriguez Navas, L. and Fernandez, J. and Capella-Gutierrez, S. and Crusoe, M. and Gruning, B. and Leo, S. and Pireddu, L. and Gustafson, J. and Ewels, P. and Community, W. and Coppens, F.},
title = {The WorkflowHub: A FAIR Registry for Workflows and Workflow Research Objects},
month = {july},
year = {2021},
type = {Poster},
keywords = {FAIR,workflow,research object},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2021/GBSOWEDMRFCCGLPGECC21},
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