Demontis's Publications

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Publications in 2001
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-GMP01] [Add to your selection]
Sylvain Giroux, Claude Moulin, Gavino Paddeu, Davide Carboni, Roberto Demontis, Stefano Sanna, Enrico Stara
Proceedings Of The JFIADSMA (Journées Francophones Pour L'Intelligence Artificielle Distribuée Et Les Systèmes Multi-Agents) 2001 CRIM (Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal) - 2001

[4-DLM01] [Add to your selection]
Roberto Demontis, Eva Barbara Lorrai, Vladimiro Marras, Claude Moulin
Proceedings Of The CRGD (Complex Reasoning On Geographical Data) Workshop, ICLP'01 Conference S. T. A. R. pages 85--93 Alessandra Raffaetá and Chiara Renso CRGD (Complex Reasoning on Geographical Data)Workshop - 2001