Sanna's Publications

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Publications in 2021
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-PRC21] [Add to your selection]
Guido Porruvecchio, Alessandro Romanino, Carlino Casari, Raffaella Sanna
2021 IEEE 12th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON) IEEE pages 332-336 IEEE - december 2021
isbn: 978-1-6654-0690-1  doi: 10.1109/UEMCON53757.2021.9666727
Publications in 2013
Various talks, works and publications
[5-SM13] [Add to your selection]
Collana seminari interni 2013 num. 29131120 - november 2013

[4-SAN13] [Add to your selection]
Collana seminari interni 2013 num. 20130306 - march 2013
Publications in 2009
Internal reports
[8-LMS09] [Add to your selection]
- december 2009
Publications in 2008
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-PSS08] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Pintus, Raffaella Sanna, Stefano Sanna
Poster in the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 08, Barcelona - Spain pages 263--266 INSTICC PRESS INSTICC - june 2008
Publications in 2007
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-ADD07] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Roberto Demontis, Massimo Deriu, Emanuela De Vita, Cristian Lai, Ivan Marcialis, Gavino Paddeu, Antonio Pintus, Andrea Piras, Raffaella Sanna, Alessandro Soro, Franco Tuveri
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2007 - Area: Software Agents And Internet Computing - Funchal, Madeira - Portugal pages 213--218 vol. 1 - - june 2007
Publications in 2006
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-ACP06] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Davide Carboni, S. Pinna, Raffaella Sanna, N. Serra, Alessandro Soro
Journal of System Architecture (JSA) - Special Issue: Agile Methodologies for Software Production pages 619-626 vol. 52 num. 11 - november 2006
issn: 1383-7621
Publications in 2005
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-ASS05] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Raffaella Sanna, Alessandro Soro
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2005) - Genova, Italy vol. 1 - - july 2005

[4-ACS05] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Davide Carboni, Raffaella Sanna, Federico Scarpa, Alessandro Soro
OMG's First Annual Open Source Modeling and IDEs Workshop (OSMIDE) - 2005 - Orlando, FL, USA - Object Management Group™ (OMG™) - march 2005
Publications in 2004
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-SAC04] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Soro, Manuela Angioni, Davide Carboni, Marco Melis, S. Pinna, Raffaella Sanna
Proceedings Of The QUTE-SWAP Workshop, In ACM SIGSOFT 2004 ACM vol. 1 Michele Marchesi and Giancarlo Succi - november 2004

[4-ASS04] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Raffaella Sanna, Alessandro Soro, Marco Melis, S. Pinna, N. Serra
Poster in Proceedings Of 5th International Conference XP2004 - Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3092 J. Eckstein and H. Baumeister Germany - june 2004

[4-VGM04] [Add to your selection]
Emanuela De Vita, Sylvain Giroux, Claude Moulin, Gavino Paddeu, Antonio Pintus, Raffaella Sanna
Atti Della Conferenza DIDAMATICA 2004 Consorzio Omniacom pages 179--186 A. Andronico and P. Frignani and G. Poletti AICA - may 2004

[4-ACP04] [Add to your selection]
Manuela Angioni, Davide Carboni, Gavino Paddeu, Raffaella Sanna, Alessandro Soro
Atti Della Conferenza DIDAMATICA 2004 Consorzio Omniacom pages 389--395 A. Andronico and P. Frignani and G. Poletti AICA Ferrara, Italy - may 2004
Publications in 2002
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-GMS02] [Add to your selection]
Proceedings Of The E-Learn 2002 Conference, World Conference On E-Learning In Corporate, Government, Healtcare & Higher Education - Montreal, Canada AACE pages 331--338 Margaret Driscoll and Thomas C. Reeves Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) - october 2002

[4-MGS02] [Add to your selection]
Actes de la Conférence DVP (Documents Virtuels Personnalisables) 2002 pages 193--198 Serge Garlatti and Michel Crampes ENST Bretagne (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne) - july 2002

[4-MGP02] [Add to your selection]
Poster in Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2002) - Biarritz, France and San Sebastian, Spain Springer LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages 1004 vol. 2363 Cerri, Stefano A.; Gouarderes, Guy; Paraguacu, Fabio (Eds.) - june 2002

[4-MGS02] [Add to your selection]
Collected Posters - ISWC 2002 - First International Semantic Web Conference pages 41 University of Cagliari OntoWeb, DAML - june 2002

Contractual reports
[8-SSP02] [Add to your selection]
- november 2002
Publications in 2000
Thesis and academic qualification
[9-SAN00] [Add to your selection]
Università degli Studi di Cagliari - Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali - Cagliari, Italy - 2000