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Contractual reports |
[7-CMG04] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 04/49 techreport - september 2004 |
[7-CGS04] |
Numerical simulation of non-fickian transport in geological formations with multiple-scale heterogeneities
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 04/34 techreport - april 2004 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-GM03] |
Finite volume/mixed finite element analysis of pollutant transport and bioremediation in heterogeneous saturated aquifers
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids. - 2003 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CCG03] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 03/82 techreport - april 2003 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-GH02] |
Modeling NAPL dissolution and biodegradation interactions: effect of toxicity and biomass growth limitations
Computational Methods in Water Resources Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands pages 859--866 vol. I S. M. Hassanizadeh et al. - 2002 |
Contractual reports |
[7-GC02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/59 techreport - 2002 |
[7-GC02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/58 techreport - 2002 |
[7-GHR02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/46 techreport - 2002 |
Contractual reports |
[7-GL01] |
Elaborazione di modelli matematico-numerici per la simulazione di flusso e trasporto per problemi dipendenti dalla densitÃ
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/64 techreport - 2001 |
[7-GLP01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/09 techreport - 2001 |
[7-CGM01] |
Integrazione GIS e software modellistici per l'analisi di qualità ambientale dell'acquifero di portovesme (sardegna)
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/50 techreport - 2001 |
[7-GM01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/53 techreport - 2001 |
[7-GAL01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/59 techreport - 2001 |
[7-CGL01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/79 techreport - 2001 |
[7-MCG01] |
CRS4, Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4-TECH- techreport - 2001 |
[7-CGL01] |
CRS4, Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4-TECH- techreport - 2001 |
[7-MCG01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/17 techreport - 2001 |
Contractual reports |
[7-GLP00] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 00/17 techreport - 2000 |
[7-GLP00] |
Rapporto di ricerca bibliografica (stato dell arte dei modelli di flusso e trasporto in mezzi porosi)
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 00/17 techreport - 2000 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-FG99] |
Modelling of Transport Processes in Soils at Various Scales in Time and Space: International EurAgEng Workshop Wageningen Press, The Netherlands pages 329-336 J. Feyen and K. Wiko - 1999 |