Publications de Chessa au CRS4

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Publications en 2015
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-BC15] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa
WWW '15 Companion Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion ACM Press pages 847--851 W3C International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland - 2015
isbn: ISBN: 978-1-4503-3473-0   doi: 10.1145/2740908.2743005
Publications en 2014
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-BC14] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa
Footnotes, comments, bookmarks, and marginalia on the Web - A W3C Workshop on Annotations W3C Workshop on Annotations num. 1 Ivan Herman, Doug Schepers W3C - april 2014
Publications en 2012
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CDB12] [Add to your selection]
Federica Cerina, Vincenzo De Leo, Marc Barthelemy, Alessandro Chessa
PloS ONE vol. 7 num. 5 - 2012  doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037507

[2-BCL12] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa, Ludovica Lorusso, Enrico Grosso
Perception Pion Ltd, London pages 171 vol. 41 - 2012
issn: 0301-0066
Publications en 2011
Books and Book Chapters
[1-DRS11] [Add to your selection]
Vincenzo De Leo, Francesco Ricci, Nicola Soranzo, Alessandro Chessa, Alberto de la Fuente
Advances in Medicine and Biology, Nova Science Berhardt, Leon V. pages 141-166 vol. 16 chap. 4 Hauppauge, NY, USA - 2011

Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CCF11] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Cazzani, Alessandro Chessa, Giorgio Fotia
Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics pages e-391 vol. 2 num. 1 - 2011
issn: 2038-0909  doi: 10.1685/journal.caim.391

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-CB11] [Add to your selection]
F. Chessa, Gavin Brelstaff
Facing Complexity - CHItaly 2011 ACM Inc Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter pages 108--113 vol. 9 Patrizia Marti, Alessandro Soro, Luciano Gamberini, Sebastiano Bagnara ACM 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, New York, 10121-0701, USA - 2011
issn: ISBN 978-1-4503-0876-2  doi: 10.1145/2037296.2037324

Various talks, works and publications
[6-BC11] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa
Online synchronised video & slide set of lecture - W3C Workshop: Content on the Multilingual Web - april 2011

[6-BC11] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa
Online synchronised video & slide set of lecture - W3C Workshop: Content on the Multilingual Web - april 2011
Publications en 2009
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-BBC09] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, Manuele Bicego, Nicola Culeddu, M. Chessa
Bioinformatics Oxford Journals pages 258-264 vol. 25 num. 2 - 2009
issn: 1367-4803  doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn599

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-BCC09] [Add to your selection]
Ludovico Boratto, Salvatore Carta, Alessandro Chessa, Maurizio Agelli, Maria Laura Clemente
WI-IAT '09: Proceedings Of The 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference On Web Intelligence And Intelligent Agent Technology IEEE Computer Society pages 547--550 vol. 03 IEEE Computer Society - 2009
Publications en 2008
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Marino Marrocu, Piero Chessa
Meteorol. Appl. pages 171--179 vol. 15 - 2008

[2-PZM08] [Add to your selection]
Maristella Pitzalis, Patrizia Zavattari, Raffaele Murru, Elisabetta Deidda, Magdalena Zoledziewska, Daniela Murru, Loredana Moi, Costantino Motzo, Valeria Orrú, Gianna Costa, Elisabetta Solla, Elisabetta Fadda, Lucia Schirru, Maria C Melis, Marina Lai, Cristina Mancosu, Stefania Tranquilli, Stefania Cuccu, Marcella Rolesu, Maria A Secci, Daniela Corongiu, Daniela Contu, Rosanna Lampis, Annalisa Nucaro, Gavino Pala, Adolfo Pacifico, Maria Antonietta Maioli, Paola Frongia, Margherita Chessa, Rossella Ricciardi, Stanislao Lostia, Anna M Marinaro, Anna F Milia, Novella Landis, D. Zedda, Michael Whalen, Federico Andrea Santoni, Marcella Devoto, Francesco Cucca, Mario Maioli
BMC Medical Genetics BioMed Central Ltd vol. 9 num. 3 - january 2008  doi: 10.1186/1471-2350-9-3
Publications en 2007
Books and Book Chapters
[1-CB07] [Add to your selection]
F. Chessa, Gavin Brelstaff
PENSA Multimedia Lecce Italy,, chap. , pages 509--556 Book Chapter Da Poeta a poeta. Del Tradurre la poesia, - 2007

[1-CB07] [Add to your selection]
F. Chessa, Gavin Brelstaff
PENSA Multimedia Lecce Italy,, chap. , pages 509--556 Book Chapter Da Poeta a poeta. Del Tradurre la poesia, - 2007
Publications en 2005
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-BC05] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa
APGV '05 Proceedings of the 2nd symposium on Applied perception in graphics and visualization ACM Inc pages 161 - 2005
issn: ISBN:1-59593-139-2  doi: 10.1145/1080402.1080441

[2-BC05] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa
APGV '05 Proceedings of the 2nd symposium on Applied perception in graphics and visualization ACM Inc pages 161 - 2005
issn: ISBN:1-59593-139-2  doi: 10.1145/1080402.1080441
Publications en 2004
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CFM04] [Add to your selection]
Piero Chessa, G. Ficca, Marino Marrocu, R. Buizza
WEATHER and FORECASTING pages 566 581 vol. 19 - june 2004
Publications en 2001
Contractual reports
[7-MCF01] [Add to your selection]
Marino Marrocu, Piero Chessa, G. Ficca, R. Buizza
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/115 techreport - 2001
Publications en 1999
Contractual reports
[7-CPB99] [Add to your selection]
F. Chessa, Baingio Pinna, Gavin Brelstaff
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 00/42 techreport - 1999
Publications en 1998
Contractual reports
[7-BC98] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 98/24 techreport - 1998

[7-BC98] [Add to your selection]
Gavin Brelstaff, F. Chessa
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 98/25 techreport - 1998