Publications CRS4

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Publications en 2010
Various talks, works and publications
[6-PSH10] [Add to your selection]
Andrea Pinna, Nicola Soranzo, Ina Hoeschele, Alberto de la Fuente
Poster contribution at RECOMB 2010 Conference and at CMSB 2010 Conference - - 2010

[4-MCS10] [Add to your selection]
Simone Manca, Pierluigi Cau, Costantino Soru, Davide Muroni
International SWAT Conference, Korea, 2010 - 2010

[4-CMS10] [Add to your selection]
Pierluigi Cau, Simone Manca, Costantino Soru, Davide Muroni
International SWAT Conference, Korea, 2010 - 2010

[4-VPM10] [Add to your selection]
Antioco Vargiu, Elisaveta Peneva, Simone Manca, Maria Gabriella Mulas, Mariano Pintus, Costantino Soru, Rossana Biella
15th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS), Colombo, Sri Lanka - 2010

[6-ZCL10] [Add to your selection]
Gianluigi Zanetti, Gianmauro Cuccuru, Luca Lianas, Simone Leo, Riccardo Triunfo
Poster - IFHRO 2010 - XVI Congress of International Federation of Health Records Organizations - november 2010

[6-ZCL10] [Add to your selection]
Gianluigi Zanetti, Gianmauro Cuccuru, Luca Lianas, Simone Leo
poster - Bridging the Gap in Biomedical Genetics: Integrating Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics, Research and Healthcare - october 2010

[6-FMU10] [Add to your selection]
Matteo Floris, Wieslawa Mentzen, Paolo Uva
Poster at the 2nd Next-Generation Sequencing workshop, Bari, 6-8 October 2010 - october 2010

[6-PUF10] [Add to your selection]
Federico Punelli, Paolo Uva, A. Ferrarini, F Faggioli, M Barba, Graziella Pasquini
Talk at 5th Italian National Meeting on Phytoplasma diseases, Ancona, September 21-23, 2010 - september 2010

[6-DER10] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Deriu
Public talk e incontri one to one - Matching Innovazione - Evento organizzato da Finmeccanica - Genova 28, 29 Settembre 2010 - september 2010

[6-PFU10] [Add to your selection]
Federico Punelli, F Faggioli, Paolo Uva, A. Ferrarini, M Barba, Graziella Pasquini
Contributed poster at the 18th Congress of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology, Chianciano Terme, July 11-16, 2010 - july 2010

[6-PRU10] [Add to your selection]
Marta Punelli, Massimo Reverberi, Paolo Uva, Wieslawa Mentzen, A.L. Dolezal, C Woloshuk, A.A. Fabbri, Claudio Franceschi, G.A. Payne
Contributed poster at the 13th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Rome, 20-25 June 2010 - june 2010

[6-PFU10] [Add to your selection]
Federico Punelli, F Faggioli, Paolo Uva, A. Ferrarini, Graziella Pasquini
Contributed poster at the 13th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, Rome, 20-25 June 2010 - june 2010

[6-CAP10] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Seminar, Institut Curie, Paris, May 13 2010 - may 2010

[6-ECJ10] [Add to your selection]
Popa E, Enrico Capobianco, Van Der Veen JWC, R De Beer, Van Ormondt D, Graveron-Demilly D
- may 2010

[6-PPF10] [Add to your selection]
Federico Punelli, Graziella Pasquini, F Faggioli, Paolo Uva, A. Ferrarini
Contributed poster at the CRA-VIT Centro di Ricerca per la Viticoltura (Conegliano - TV): Il contributo del CRA per la ricerca e l’innovazione del settore vitivinicolo - april 2010

[6-PPP10] [Add to your selection]
Piergiorgio Palla, Luca Pireddu, Luca Pani, Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé
Poster - SardiniaChem 2010 - march 2010

[6-DER10] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Deriu
Matching Talks - Cebit 2010 - Incontri one to one organizzati dall'ICE Istituto Commercio Estero - march 2010

[6-ECC10] [Add to your selection]
Popa E, Enrico Capobianco, Van Der Veen J W C, R De Beer, Van Ormondt D, Graveron-Demilly D
- january 2010

Contractual reports
[7-DLH10] [Add to your selection]
Hamilton Monteiro de Lima, Lourenildo Williame Barbosa Leite, Zeno Heilmann, Jurgen Mann
Wave Inversion Technology Consortium WIT report 2009 - 2010

[7-THE10] [Add to your selection]
Daniela Theis
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia - 2010