Publications CRS4

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Publications en 2006
Various talks, works and publications
[6-RRM06] [Add to your selection]
Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé, Frederic Reinier, Joel Pierre Masciocchi, Simone Carcangiu, Giuliana Brunetti
lecture - Invited lecture at the NETTAB'06 workshop, Pula, 10-13 july 2006 - july 2006

[6-MCP06] [Add to your selection]
Selena Montinaro, Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Presentation - VIII Congresso INCA, Chimica sostenibile e tecnologie ambientali: stato dell’arte e prospettive - march 2006

[6-MMP06] [Add to your selection]
Fabio Maggio, Luca Massidda, R. Paolucci, M. Stupazzini
- february 2006

Contractual reports
[7-MUR06] [Add to your selection]
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 07/07 techreport - november 2006

[7-PCL06] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Alessandro Concas, Nicola Lai, Giacomo Cao
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 06/23 techreport - november 2006

[7-CCC06] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Concas, Alessandra Carucci, Raimondo Ciccu, Claudio Gallo, Battista Grosso, Nicola Lai, Aldo Muntoni, Simona Palmas, Massimo Pisu, Anna Maria Polcaro, Selena Montinaro
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 07/25 techreport - october 2006

[7-BON06] [Add to your selection]
Ernesto Bonomi
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 06/17 techreport - september 2006

[7-PUS06] [Add to your selection]
Gabriella Pusceddu
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 06/24 techreport - september 2006

[7-AFF06] [Add to your selection]
Pandolfi Anna, Giorgio Fotia, Manganiello Federico
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy} num. 06/25 Technical report - april 2006

[7-THE06] [Add to your selection]
Daniela Theis
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia - february 2006

Internal reports
[8-DMM06] [Add to your selection]
Giovanni Delussu, Francesca Mura, Marco Mulas, Marco Talice
- 2006

Thesis and academic qualification
[9-SOR06] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Soro
Universita' degli Studi di Cagliari - Facolta' di Scienze MM FF NN - 2006

[9-VAL06] [Add to your selection]
Maria Valentini
Master in Bioinformatics applied to Personalized Medicine, Sardegna Ricerche, Cagliari, Italy - 2006
Publications en 2005
Books and Book Chapters
[1-RM05] [Add to your selection]
W. Rodi, Marco Mulas
ELSEVIER num. 6 - 2005

[1-RST05] [Add to your selection]
Giuseppe Rodriguez, Sebastiano Seatzu, Daniela Theis
Recent Advances in Operator Theory and its Applications, Birkhäuser Verlag pages 383--401 vol. 160 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications - 2005

[4-CPP05] [Add to your selection]
Davide Carboni, Antonio Pintus, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna, Gavino Paddeu
Proceedings of ICMTL 2005 Wit Press - 2005

[4-SMC05] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Soro, Ivan Marcialis, Davide Carboni
Proceedings of the IADIS Int*l Conference on Web Based Communities 2005 - 2005

[4-SMC05] [Add to your selection]
Alessandro Soro, Ivan Marcialis, Davide Carboni, Gavino Paddeu
Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web ACM Press - 2005

[4-PCP05] [Add to your selection]
Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Gavino Paddeu, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna
Mobile Learning Anytime Everywhere LSDA - 2005

[1-BFG05] [Add to your selection]
Fabio Bettio, Francesca Frexia, Andrea Giachetti, Enrico Gobbetti, Giovanni Pintore, Gianluigi Zanetti
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Springer-Verlag Inc. Lecture Notes in Computer Science New York, NY, USA incollection - september 2005