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Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-MMM14] |
SWAT International Conference - 2014 |
Various talks, works and publications |
[6-CVP14] |
3rd Bi-annual BS Scientific Conference and UP-GRADE BS-SCENE Project Joint Conference, 1-4 November 2011, Odessa, Ukraine - november 2014 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-CMS13] |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications EnviroGRIDS Special Issue on - 2013 |
[2-GGR13] |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications EnviroGRIDS Special Issue on - 2013 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-GBM12] |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications EnviroGRIDS Special Issue on - 2012 |
[2-GBM12] |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications EnviroGRIDS Special Issue on - 2012 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-BGM12] |
EGU General Assembly 2013 - 2012 |
[4-SGC12] |
EGU General Assembly 2012 - 2012 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-MCS11] |
3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development, Shanghai, 2011 - 2011 |
Various talks, works and publications |
[4-SMM11] |
7th International SWAT Conference, Spain, Toledo, June 2011 - 2011 |
[4-MSM11] |
7th International SWAT Conference, Spain, Toledo, June 2011 - 2011 |
[4-CMS11] |
IMECS 2011 - International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, March 2011 - 2011 |
Various talks, works and publications |
[4-CMS10] |
International SWAT Conference, Korea, 2010 - 2010 |
[4-MCS10] |
International SWAT Conference, Korea, 2010 - 2010 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-LC09] |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Parts ABC pages 654--661 vol. 34 num. 10-12 - 2009 issn: 14747065 |
Various talks, works and publications |
[4-MSC09] |
5th International SWAT Conference, Boulder, Colorado - 2009 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-LC06] |
Proceedings Of The XVI International Conference On Computational Methods In Water Resources Philip J. Binning Peter K. Engesgaard and Helge K. Dahle and George F. Pinder and William G. Gray Copenhagen, Denmark - 2006 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-CCL05] |
L'Acqua pages 29--38 vol. 5 - september 2005 |
[2-CM05] |
L'approccio data-crossing per la localizzazione delle fonti di inquinamento. il caso di portoscuso (sardegna)
L'Acqua pages 25--34 num. II - april 2005 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-LC05] |
3rd International Swat Conference EAWAG EAWAG - 2005 |
[4-CCC05] |
3rd International Swat Conference EAWAG - 2005 |
[4-CL05] |
3rd International Swat Conference (to Appear) EAWAG - 2005 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CAU05] |
L'approccio data-crossing per la localizzazione delle fonti di inquinamento. il caso di portoscuso (sardegna)
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 05/22 techreport - august 2005 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-BCS04] |
SWIM proceding - 2004 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-CAU04] |
Using the swat model to predict the impact of land management practices in the framework of a decision support system. the arborea case, italy.
[4-CAU04] |
The Sixth International Conference On Hydro-science And Engineering (to Appear), Brisbaine, Australia,May 30 - June 3. ICHE - 2004 |
[4-LC04] |
Developments in Water Science Elsevier pages 1619--1628 vol. 55 Proceedings of the XV International Conference On Computational Methods In Water Resources (CMWR XV), Chapel Hill, NC, USA, June 13-17 - 2004 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CCL04] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 04/41 techreport - july 2004 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-CL03] |
Studio modellistico dell'effetto del grado di confinamento di un acquitardo sulla contaminazione di un acquifero costiero multistrato
Ingegneria e Geologia degli Acquiferi pages 13--23 vol. 18 - 2003 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-CL03] |
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifer, Monotoring, Modeling and Management (SWICA M3) - Merida, Mexico, March 30-April 2 - 2003 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CCG03] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 03/82 techreport - april 2003 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-CLM02] |
Proc. of the XVII Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM) - 2002 |
[4-CM02] |
Una metodologia multivariabile per la calibrazione di alcuni parametri idrogeologici portoscuso (sardegna)
GEOMATICA PER L'AMBIENTE, IL TERRITORIO E IL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE asita pages 715--720 vol. I num. VI asita - 2002 |
[4-CLP02] |
Developments in Water Science Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands pages 493--500 num. 47 Proceedings of the XIV International Conference On Computational Methods In Water Resources (CMWR XIV), Delft, The Netherlands, June 23-28 - 2002 |
Contractual reports |
[7-MC02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/39 techreport - 2002 |
[7-LCP02] |
Progetto PST/MURST 97/ric. IMI n. 63481, tecnologie avanzate per la gestione delle acque, software per la modellistica ambientale, III fase attuazione, adattamento e parametrizzazione del modello numerico: sito di Oristano
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/34 techreport - 2002 |
[7-GC02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/59 techreport - 2002 |
[7-MC02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/42 techreport - 2002 |
[7-LC02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/33 techreport - 2002 |
[7-GC02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/58 techreport - 2002 |
[7-CL02] |
Progetto PST/MURST97/ric. IMI n. 63481 tecnologie avanzate per la gestione delle acque. software per la modellistica ambientale - III fase attuazione. interfacciamento GIS-MODELLO
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/32 techreport - november 2002 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-CLM01] |
Atti della Terza Conferenza MondoGIS. Usi e costumi dell'informazione geografica - 2001 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CLM01] |
Integrazione GIS e software modellistici per l'analisi di vulnerabilità dell'acquifero della piana di Oristano (Sardegna)
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/55 techreport - 2001 |
[7-CGM01] |
Integrazione GIS e software modellistici per l'analisi di qualità ambientale dell'acquifero di portovesme (sardegna)
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/50 techreport - 2001 |
[7-MC01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/16 techreport - 2001 |
[7-CGL01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/79 techreport - 2001 |
[7-MCG01] |
CRS4, Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4-TECH- techreport - 2001 |
[7-CGL01] |
CRS4, Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4-TECH- techreport - 2001 |
[7-MCG01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/17 techreport - 2001 |