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Books and Book Chapters |
[1-PMM21] |
CRS4 - 2021 |
Peer-reviewed publications in national events |
[5-PMF21] |
Book of extended abstracts of the 10th national conference, Pisa, 2021 Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale AIUCD 2021 - DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale pages 51--55 - january 2021 isbn: 9788894253559 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[1-PFM20] |
Edizioni Grafica Parteolla, chap. 9. Archeologia Pubblica e Open Data, pages 667--673 Notizie e Scavi della Sardegna Nuragica - 2020 |
Peer-reviewed publications in National Journals |
[3-PFM20] |
Museologia Scientifica nuova serie ANMS (Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici) pages 169--175 vol. 14/2020 - december 2020 issn: ISSN 1123-265X |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-PDP19] |
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on WWW/INTERNET 2019 Associate Editor: Luís Rodrigues pages 186--188 Pedro Isaías IADIS Press - november 2019 isbn: 978-989-8533-94-4 |
Peer-reviewed publications in national events |
[5-PMP19] |
Museologia Scientifica Memorie ANMS (Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici) pages 16--20 vol. 21 Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici c/o Museo di Storia Naturale, Università di Firenze, Via Romana 17, 50125 Firenze - november 2019 isbn: 978-88-908819-4-7 |
Internal reports |
[8-IDZ14] |
- april 2014 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-DUS13] |
Interaction Design and Architecture pages 40--53 vol. 01 num. 18 - january 2013 |
Peer-reviewed publications in national events |
[5-MSD13] |
Didamatica 2013 AICA - 2013 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-UDA12] |
10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM 2012) ACM pages 13-16 - 2012 |
[4-UDA12] |
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia pages 13-16 - 2012 |
[4-DUA12] |
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia ACM pages 17-20 - 2012 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[1-ADL11] |
Advances in Distributed Agent-Based Retrieval Tools, Springer V. Pallotta, A. Soro, and E. Vargiu pages 1--12 vol. 361 - 2011 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-UDA11] |
PsychNology Journal pages 269-284 vol. 9 num. 3 - 2011 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-DMM11] |
The 9th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM-2011) ACM Press - 2011 |
[4-DUA11] |
CHItaly 2011, ninth edition of the biannual conference organised by the Italian chapter of ACM SIGCHI ACM ACM SIGCHI SIGCHI - september 2011 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-ADL10] |
4th International Workshop on Distributed Agent-based Retrieval Tools pages 88--98 Webster University - 2010 |
[4-ADL10] |
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, ICSOFT 2010 Springer pages 475--480 Josè Cordeiro, Maria Virvou and Boris Shishkov - 2010 |
[4-DPS10] |
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Green Computing and Communications \& Int'l Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing IEEE Computer Society pages 484--487 Washington, DC, USA - 2010 doi: 10.1109/GreenCom-CPSCom.2010.40 |
[4-DSP10] |
Atti del convegno ForItAAL 2010 (Secondo Forum Italiano sull' Ambient Assisted Living). Trento, Italy – 6-8 Ottobre 2010 - 2010 |
[4-DSP10] |
Applied Computer Science, International conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics, Malta – 14-16 September 2010 - 2010 |
[4-DSA10] |
IoT 2010 2th International conference Internet Of Things For A Green Planet. Tokyo, Japan, ACM - november 2010 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CCM10] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 10/70 techreport - july 2010 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-SDP09] |
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia ACM MoMM '09 pages 382--385 New York, NY, USA - 2009 doi: 10.1145/1821748.1821821 |
Peer-reviewed publications in national events |
[5-DPP09] |
Book Of Abstracts Primo Forum Italiano su AAL pages 97 -- 98 - september 2009 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-SPS08] |
Communications of SIWN. Special Issue on Distributed Agent-based Retrieval Tools vol. 5 - august 2008 |
[2-VDM08] |
Communications of SIWN. Special Issue on Distributed Agent-based Retrieval Tools pages 51--56 vol. 5 num. - - august 2008 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-SP08] |
Proc. Of The 2nd International WSEAS Conference On Computer Engineering And Applications (CEA08) - 2008 |
[4-SPL08] |
Proc. Of The 1st Human-Computer Interaction Symposium (HCIS 2008) - 2008 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-SMC07] |
International Journal of Web Based Communities pages 448 -- 459 vol. 3 num. 4 - 2007 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-ADD07] |
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2007 - Area: Software Agents And Internet Computing - Funchal, Madeira - Portugal pages 213--218 vol. 1 - - june 2007 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[4-SMC05] |
Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web ACM Press - 2005 |
[4-PCP05] |
Mobile Learning Anytime Everywhere LSDA - 2005 |
[4-CPP05] |
Proceedings of ICMTL 2005 Wit Press - 2005 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-SMC05] |
Proceedings Of The 14th International WWW Conference vol. - W3C - 2005 |
[4-CPP05] |
Methods And Technologies For Learning WIT Press pages 349--353 vol. 1 G. Chiazzese and M. Allegra and A. Chifari and S. Ottaviano Italian National Research Council and European Commission Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst Southampton SO40 7AA, UK - march 2005 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[4-PCP04] |
Proceedings of MLEARN2004 - 2004 |
[4-CGP04] |
Proceedings of HCI International 2003 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers - 2004 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-VGM04] |
Atti Della Conferenza DIDAMATICA 2004 Consorzio Omniacom pages 179--186 A. Andronico and P. Frignani and G. Poletti AICA - may 2004 |
[4-ACP04] |
Atti Della Conferenza DIDAMATICA 2004 Consorzio Omniacom pages 389--395 A. Andronico and P. Frignani and G. Poletti AICA Ferrara, Italy - may 2004 |
Contractual reports |
[7-PCP04] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 04/62 techreport - november 2004 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[2-CSP03] |
Ercim news - 2003 |
[4-CPS03] |
Proceedings of WOA 2003 - 2003 |
[4-CPP03] |
Proceedings of WWW2003 ACM Press - 2003 |
[4-CGV03] |
Databases and Information Systems Kluwer Academic Publishers - 2003 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-CGP03] |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers HCI International 2003 - 2003 |
[4-CPP03] |
Proceedings Of WWW2003 - Poster Session WWW2003 - 2003 |
[4-CCD03] |
Proceedings Of European Conference On Interactive Television: From Viewers To Actors? - Poster Session pages 113--114 Judith Masthoff and Richard Griffiths and Lyn Pemberton EuroITV 2003 - april 2003 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CGP03] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4 TR/ techreport - january 2003 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[4-CSG02] |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Proc. of MobileHCI 2002 Springer-Verlag - 2002 |
[4-CPS02] |
Proceedings of UIST'02/SIGCHI ACM Press - 2002 |
[4-CGV02] |
Databases and Information Systems vol. 2 - 2002 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-CGV02] |
Databases and Information Systems Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn Technical University pages 227--241 vol. 2 Hele-Mai Haav and Ahto Kalja Tallinn Technical University Conference held in Tallinn, Estonia - 2002 |
[4-CPS02] |
UIST'02 Companion - Poster session SIGCHI pages 19--20 UIST'02 - october 2002 |
[4-MGS02] |
Collected Posters - ISWC 2002 - First International Semantic Web Conference pages 41 University of Cagliari OntoWeb, DAML - june 2002 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CSG02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/24 techreport - 2002 |
[7-CSG02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/24 techreport - 2002 |
[7-ASP02] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 02/80 techreport - 2002 |
[8-SSP02] |
- november 2002 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[4-GMP01] |
Proceedings of the JFIADSMA (Journees Francophones pour l'Intelligence Artificielle Distribue et les - 2001 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-BPP01] |
SIGMOD Record (ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data) pages 5--12 vol. 30 num. 1 - 2001 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-GMP01] |
Proceedings Of The JFIADSMA (Journées Francophones Pour L'Intelligence Artificielle Distribuée Et Les Systèmes Multi-Agents) 2001 CRIM (Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal) - 2001 |
Contractual reports |
[7-CGP01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia num. 02/49 techreport - 2001 |
[7-CP01] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/92 techreport - september 2001 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[4-CPS00] |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on The Practical Applications of Java The Practical Application Company LTD - 2000 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-CPS00] |
Proceedings Of The 2nd International Conference On The Practical Applications Of Java The Practical Application Company LTD pages 221--227 Omar F. Rana PAJava2000 Conference held in Manchester, UK - 2000 |
Contractual reports |
[7-PST98] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 98/73 techreport - 1998 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[1-CCM93] |
STEF, chap. 1 - Indipendent Electron Models: Hartree-Fock and Dirac-Fock for Many-Electron Atoms, pages Cagliari (Italy) inbook - 1993 |