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Various talks, works and publications |
[6-COS13] |
Poster presentation at the Galaxy Community Conference 2013, Oslo,Norway - 30 June, 2 July - 2013 |
[6-SOC13] |
Poster presentation at the Galaxy Community Conference 2013, Oslo,Norway - 30 June, 2 July - 2013 |
[6-UDD13] |
Poster contribution at the 18th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, Davos, Switzerland, June 11-16 - 2013 |
[6-OUO13] |
Poster and invited talk at the Microbiota and Immunity in Human Diseases (MIHD-OBG 2013) international symposium, Rome, Italy, May 3-4 - 2013 |
[6-DER13] |
Invited Talk - Sensi di Sardegna, evento promosso dalle camere di commercio di Cagliari, Sassari, Nuoro e Oristano. Berlino - november 2013 |
Collana seminari interni 2013 num. 29131120 - november 2013 |
[6-PM13] |
MAXSIMA 2nd review meeting, Von Karman Institute, Brussels, 28-29 Nov 2013 - november 2013 |
Collana seminari interni 2013 num. 20131023 - october 2013 |
Collana seminari interni 2013 num. 20130912 - september 2013 |
[6-MPL13] |
Contributed presentation to the 2013 Workshop on Middleware for HPC and Big Data Systems (part of Euro-Par 2013) - august 2013 |
[6-PLZ13] |
Contributed presentation to the 14th Bioinformatics Open Source Conference - july 2013 |
[2-RPM13] |
EMBnet.journal vol. 19 num. 1 - june 2013 doi: 10.14806/ej.19.1.699 |
[2-MBC13] |
Molecular Therapy Nature Publishing Group pages S119 vol. 21 num. S1 - june 2013 |
[6-PIR13] |
Contributed presentation to the Workshop on "ICT needs and challenges for Big Data in the Life Sciences" - june 2013 |
Collana Talks@CRS4 num. 21030521 - may 2013 |
[6-PRO13] |
"Nuclear 2013" - 22-24 May - Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education - may 2013 |
[6-PRO13] |
MAXSIMA 1st review meeting, May 6-8, 2013, Polaris, Sardinia - may 2013 |
[6-SHP13] |
poster - The Next NGS Challenge Conference: Data Processing and Integration 14-16 May 2013, Valencia, Spain - may 2013 |
[6-UVA13] |
Invited talk at MeetJob2013, Oristano - april 2013 |
Collana seminari interni 2013 num. 20130306 - march 2013 |