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Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-ADL19] |
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on WWW/INTERNET 2019 Associate Editor: Luís Rodrigues pages 183--185 Pedro Isaías IADIS Press - november 2019 isbn: 978-989-8533-94-4 |
[4-AT19] |
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Volume 1: WEBIST SciTePress pages 351-357 vol. 1 Alessandro Bozzon; Francisco Domínguez Mayo and Joaquim Filipe INSTICC - september 2019 isbn: 978-989-758-386-5 doi: 10.5220/0008352803510357 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-ADL18] |
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: ICEIS SciTePress pages 448-455 vol. 1 Slimane Hammoudi ; Michal Smialek; Olivier Camp and Joaquim Filipe ESEO, MODESTE, France ; Warsaw University of Technology, Poland ; MODESTE/ESEO, France ; Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal / INSTICC, Portugal - march 2018 isbn: 978-989-758-298-1 doi: 10.5220/0006767404480455 |
[4-ATV18] |
Proceedings of the 9th Global WordNet Conference (GWC 2018) pages 424–432 Francis Bond, Takayuki Kuribayashi, Christiane Fellbaum and Piek Vossen (eds) - january 2018 isbn: 978-981-11-7087-4 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[1-ACT16] |
Web Information Systems and Technologies, Springer Valérie Monfort, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Tim A. Majc pages 169--190 vol. 246 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing - april 2016 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-ACT15] |
ICEIS 2015 - Proceeedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Scitepress - 2015 |
[4-ACT15] |
WEBIST 2015 - 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - 2015 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[1-TA14] |
Springer Berlin Heidelberg , chap. 3, pages 51--64 vol. 515 - 2014 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-TA13] |
Innov'azione - 2013 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[1-TA12] |
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, chap. , pages 113--129 vol. 439 Lai C, Semeraro G, Vargiu E. - 2012 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-TA12] |
Proceedings of the 6th International Global Wordnet Conference Tribun EU pages 365-370 Christiane Fellbaum, Piek Vossen Global WordNet Association - 2012 isbn: 978-80-263-0244-5 |
[4-TA12] |
NLPCS 2012, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science SciTePress - june 2012 isbn: 978-989-8565-16-7 |
[4-TA12] |
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence SciTePress Artificial Intelligence pages 473-476 vol. 1 - february 2012 isbn: 978-989-8425-95-9 |
Various talks, works and publications |
Collana seminari interni 2012 num. 20120919 - september 2012 |
Books and Book Chapters |
[1-ADL11] |
Advances in Distributed Agent-Based Retrieval Tools, Springer V. Pallotta, A. Soro, and E. Vargiu pages 1--12 vol. 361 - 2011 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-AT11] |
ICSOFT 2011, 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies SciTePress - july 2011 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-ADL10] |
4th International Workshop on Distributed Agent-based Retrieval Tools pages 88--98 Webster University - 2010 |
[4-ADL10] |
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, ICSOFT 2010 Springer pages 475--480 Josè Cordeiro, Maria Virvou and Boris Shishkov - 2010 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-AAA09] |
Contractual reports |
[7-ADT09] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 09/14 techreport - january 2009 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-ADT08] |
Communications of SIWN. Special Issue on Distributed Agent-based Retrieval Tools pages 62--66 vol. 5 - august 2008 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-AAA08] |
Proceedings Of Intelligent Systems And Agents 2008 IADIS Press pages 53--60 vol. - Antonio Palma dos Reis - 2008 |
[4-ADD08] |
Proceedings Of GWC 2008 University of Szeged pages 21--34 vol. - A. Tanacs and D. Csendes and V. Vincze and C. Fellbaum and P. Vossen - 2008 |
[4-ADD08] |
ICEIS 2008 - Proceedings Of The Tenth International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems, Volume HCI, Barcelona, Spain, June 12-16, 2008 pages 256--261 vol. 5 Jose' Cordeiro and Joaquim Filipe (Eds. ) - 2008 |
[4-ADT08] |
Metadata And Semantics, Post-proceedings Of The 2nd International Conference On Metadata And Semantics Research, MTSR 2007, Corfu Island In Greece, Springer 2008 pages 339--351 vol. XVI Miguel-Angel Sicilia and Miltiadis D. Lytras (Eds) 2009 - october 2008 |
[4-ADT08] |
vol. 5 Communication of SIWN - august 2008 |
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals |
[2-ADD07] |
WSEAS Transactions on Computers pages 79--86 vol. 2 num. 1-2 - 2007 |
Peer-reviewed publications in international events |
[4-ADT07] |
Proceedings Of The 2nd International Conference On Metadata And Semantics Research vol. - - MTSR Organizing Committee - 2007 |
[4-ADT07] |
Metadata And Semantics, Post-proceedings Of The 2nd International Conference On Metadata And Semantics Research, MTSR 2007, Corfu Island In Greece, Springer US pages 339--351 vol. 2 Miguel-Angel Sicilia and Miltiadis D. Lytras - october 2007 |
[4-ADD07] |
Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2007 - Area: Software Agents And Internet Computing - Funchal, Madeira - Portugal pages 213--218 vol. 1 - - june 2007 |
Contractual reports |
[7-PST98] |
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 98/73 techreport - 1998 |