Bettio's Publications

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Publications in 2009
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-BGM09] [Add to your selection]
Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, Alex Tinti, Emilio Merella, Roberto Combet
The 10th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage - october 2009

[4-ABG09] [Add to your selection]
Final workshop of GRID projects, PON RICERCA 2000-2006, AVVISO 1575 - february 2009

[4-ABG09] [Add to your selection]
Final workshop of GRID projects, PON RICERCA 2000-2006, AVVISO 1575 - february 2009
Publications in 2008
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-BGM08] [Add to your selection]
Computers & Graphics Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. pages 55--64 vol. 32 num. 1 - february 2008
Publications in 2007
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-BGM07] [Add to your selection]
Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland Eurographics Association - may 2007

[4-BGM07] [Add to your selection]
Proc. ACM Web3D International Symposium New York, NY, USA pages 37-44 ACM Press - april 2007

[4-ABG07] [Add to your selection]
Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference Eurographics Association Conference held in Trento, Italy - february 2007

[4-BGG07] [Add to your selection]
Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference Eurographics Association Conference held in Trento, Italy - february 2007
Publications in 2006
Books and Book Chapters
[1-BFG06] [Add to your selection]
Fabio Bettio, Francesca Frexia, Andrea Giachetti, Enrico Gobbetti, Giovanni Pintore, Gianluigi Zanetti, Tibor Balogh, Tamas Forgacs, Tibor Agocs, Eric Bouvier
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2006, IOS J. D. Westwood Amsterdam, The Netherlands incollection - january 2006

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-ABF06] [Add to your selection]
Tibor Agocs, Tibor Balogh, Tamas Forgacs, Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Gianluigi Zanetti
Proc. IEEE VR 2006 Workshop on Emerging Display Technologies Conference Held in Alexandria, VA, USA, March 26 2006 - 2006

[4-BDF06] [Add to your selection]
Tibor Balogh, Zsuzsa Dobranyi, Tamas Forgacs, Attila Molnar, Laszlo Szloboda, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, Fabio Bettio, Giovanni Pintore, Gianluigi Zanetti, Eric Bouvier, Reinhard Klein
SIGGRAPH 2006 Emerging Technologies Proceedings Ad-di-son-Wes-ley Annual Conference Series ACM SIGGRAPH Conference held in Boston, MA, USA - august 2006
Publications in 2005
Books and Book Chapters
[1-BFG05] [Add to your selection]
Fabio Bettio, Francesca Frexia, Andrea Giachetti, Enrico Gobbetti, Giovanni Pintore, Gianluigi Zanetti
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Springer-Verlag Inc. Lecture Notes in Computer Science New York, NY, USA incollection - september 2005

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-BFB05] [Add to your selection]
Tibor Balogh, Tamas Forgacs, Olivier Balet, Eric Bouvier, Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Gianluigi Zanetti
Proc. IEEE VR 2005 Workshop on Emerging Display Technologies Conference Held in Bonn, Germany, March 13 2005 - 2005

[4-BFA05] [Add to your selection]
Tibor Balogh, Tamas Forgacs, Tibor Agocs, Olivier Balet, Eric Bouvier, Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Gianluigi Zanetti
EUROGRAPHICS 2005 Short Papers Proceedings Conference Held in Dublin, Ireland, August 2005 - 2005

Peer-reviewed publications in national events
[5-BFG05] [Add to your selection]
Fabio Bettio, Francesca Frexia, Enrico Gobbetti, Giovanni Pintore, Gianluigi Zanetti, Tibor Balogh, Tamas Forgacs, Tibor Agocs, Eric Bouvier
Proceedings of the Fifth MIMOS Conference Conference held in Turin, Italy, November 3--5, 2005 - november 2005
Publications in 2004
Contractual reports
[7-BBG04] [Add to your selection]
Eric Bouvier, Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Nicolas Baudrey, Romain Maurer, David Sanchez, Laurent Philippon, Tamas Forgacs, Peter Breuer
EU Project COHERENT (IST-FP6-510166) num. D9 techreport - december 2004
Publications in 2001
Books and Book Chapters
[1-DBG01] [Add to your selection]
Sergio Demelio, Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Giuseppe Luppino
Data Visualization 2001, Springer-Verlag Inc. David Ebert and Jean Favre and Ronny Peikert Eurographics Series New York, NY, USA incollection - may 2001

[1-ABG01] [Add to your selection]
Marco Agus, Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Luciano Fadiga
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001 -- Inner Space, Outer Space, Virtual Space, IOS J. D. Westwood and H. M. Hoffmann and G. T. Mogel and D. Stredney and R. A. Robb pages 23--29 Amsterdam, The Netherlands incollection - january 2001

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-BDG01] [Add to your selection]
Fabio Bettio, Sergio Demelio, Enrico Gobbetti, Giuseppe Luppino, Massimo Matelli
Society for Neuroscience 31st Annual Meeting Abstract -- Conference held in San Diego, CA, USA, November 10-15 - october 2001

Contractual reports
[7-BDG01] [Add to your selection]
Fabio Bettio, Sergio Demelio, Enrico Gobbetti, Giuseppe Luppino, Massimo Matelli
CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia Cagliari, Italy num. 01/93 techreport - 2001